Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
3/11/2025 - 5:30 PM  
Items From the Floor/ Public Comment on Agenda or Non Agenda Items  
7.1 Public Comment on Agenda or Non-Agenda Items  
Strategic Goals:
4. Community Engagement
To welcome, build, and sustain strong partnerships with students, parents, families, residents, educational institutions, community organizations, and the civic and business communities to support student wellness and achievement.
File Attachment:
The Board of Education encourages public input. When the public wishes to address the Board of Education on agenda items or non-agenda items they may fill out a blue card or raise their hand while in Zoom attendance. The Board of Education will take blue card requests first, followed by speakers in Zoom attendance. Board of Education Members are not permitted to respond to public comments. A member of the staff will contact you if information is needed. Thank you for your participation. Individuals participating in public comment must adhere to the following guidelines: 1. Speaker cards must be turned in to the Board Secretary or raise their hand while in Zoom attendance by 7:10 PM, or 10 minutes after the meeting begins; 2. No speaker may yield their time to another individual speaker; 3. Speaker must be present when their name is called in order to be heard; 4. Maximum speaking time is 3 minutes.  
Budgetary Impact:
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Hope Near - Board Secretary
Signed By:  
Arturo Ortega - Superintendent