Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
3/11/2025 - 5:30 PM  
Curriculum and Instruction  
10.3 Approval of Azusa High School's (AHS) Participation in Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) High School Encampment  
Strategic Goals:
1. Student Learning
Every student will receive a well-rounded education that meets their diverse needs and ensures their growth, achievement, and success.
File Attachment:
The JROTC High School Encampment is located in Irvine, California, and will take place May 30 - June 01, 2025. This is an excellent opportunity for the 25 students attending the AHS JROTC program to practice “hands-on” leadership while interacting with other California JROTC students in an atmosphere that takes advantage of facilities available only at a military installation. Emphasis will be on further developing teamwork, self-discipline and citizenship in a safe, caring, fun, and supportive environment. Hands-on training will include confidence building through the use of mountaineering techniques (rappelling and mountain climbing), map reading/orienteering and leadership development with a leadership confidence course, water safety training, and inter school competitive events. The students will be supervised by instructors and chaperones from AHS. The District's JROTC members have attended the High School Encampment since 2017. Board of Education approval is necessary since the trip requires overnight travel.  
Budgetary Impact:
It is recommended the Board of Education approve AHS participation in JROTC High School Encampment.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Lisa Allen - Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services
Signed By:  
Norma Carvajal-Camacho - Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services
Signed By:  
Arturo Ortega - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Yolanda Rodriguez-Peña Moved, Member Carlos Ramos seconded to approve the Original motion 'It is recommended the Board of Education approve AHS participation in JROTC High School Encampment.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 4 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 4 - 0
Yolanda Rodriguez-Peña     Yes
Adrian Greer     Yes
Sandra Benavides     Yes
Carlos Ramos     Yes