Meeting Date:
3/11/2025 - 5:30 PM
Business and Finance
10.19 Approval of Contract between Azusa Unified School District (AUSD) and Lodi Unified School District (LUSD), the Lead District for the Super Commodity Cooperative (Super Co-Op)
Strategic Goals:
3. Budget and Finance To be responsible stewards of public funds and maximize the
resources needed to meet our goals, fulfill our priorities, and live up to
our values.
File Attachment:
The Super Co-Op is a California cooperative consisting of public-school agency members for the purpose of obtaining United States Department of Agriculture commodities for the school food services program. The Super Co-Op allows the District to take advantage of discounts, rebates, and the advantage of large districts purchasing power, to obtain the best rates on food. AUSD has been participating in the Super Co-Op since 2001.
Budgetary Impact:
The cost, not to exceed $2,000, to be paid from Cafeteria Fund
It is recommended the Board of Education approve contract between AUSD and LUSD, the lead district for the Super Co-Op.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Patricia Loera - Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent, Business Services
Signed By:
Latasha Jamal - Assistant Superintendent, Business Services
Signed By:
Arturo Ortega - Superintendent
Vote Results:
Original Motion | Member Yolanda Rodriguez-Peña Moved, Member Carlos Ramos seconded to approve the Original motion 'It is recommended the Board of Education approve contract between AUSD and LUSD, the lead district for the Super Co-Op.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 4 Nay: 0. | The motion Carried 4 - 0 | | | Yolanda Rodriguez-Peña | Yes | Adrian Greer | Yes | Sandra Benavides | Yes | Carlos Ramos | Yes | |